We offer a mix of pre-bookable and same day appointments.
Same-day appointments
For on the day appointments please telephone 0116 2251277 at 8.00am in the morning.
When you get in touch, a member of the reception team will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and will use this information to signpost you to the most suitable health professional to help you.
We offer a limited number of GP pre-bookable appointments, and these can be booked up to 1 week in advance.
Pre-bookable appointments are available for appointments other than GP appointments. For example, blood tests, smear tests, blood pressure checks etc. These appointments can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.
Cancelling or changing an appointment
To cancel your appointment:
- use your NHS app
- using the GP online system – SystmOnline
- phone us on 0116 225 1277 Monday to Friday from 8am to 6.30pm
If you need help when we are closed
If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or call 111.
NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
If you need help with your appointment
Please tell us:
- if there’s a specific doctor, nurse or other health professional you would prefer to respond.
- if you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by phone or face-to-face, by video call or by text or email.
- if you need an interpreter
- if you have any other access or communication needs
Home visits
Our doctors typically see four patients in the practice in the time it takes to do a single home visit. For this reason, we ask our patients to come to the practice if at all possible. However we can visit you at home if your condition means you cannot attend the practice. Please ring the surgery before 10.30am to arrange a visit.
You can now also access our clinical and admin team for any non-urgent medical or administrative problems through our online consultation service called accuRx. We will respond to your E Consult within 2 working days.

Community Pharmacy Consultation Service
If it is likely that your symptoms or condition can be resolved through a consultation with the Pharmacist rather than a GP, you will be referred to the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service. When you call us to make an appointment, the reception team will advise if a referral to the community pharmacist may be appropriate for your medical need.
This service provides reduced waiting time for patients, flexible and convenient appointments, and appropriate treatment or signposting.